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About Us

What is Phones LTD?

We are passionate about helping you make maximum savings on your new mobile. is a price comparison website helping you compare the cheapest deals from the mobile networks and retailers.

Despite our website name sounding like a limited company, the LTD actually stands for ‘Limited Time Deals’, we hand-pick these deals to show above the standard results as they almost always offer the best value for money.


Ready to upgrade?

If you’ve just finished your contract then you’ve likely called your network to ask for an upgrade price for that phone you’ve had your eye on and …. nearly fallen over when they quoted you! 😲

We help you compare the cheapest upgrade deals from all of the UK retailers on our website, simply use our filters to find your network+upgrade logo …

You’ll notice that although they are far cheaper than the price quoted directly by your network, the deals are still not as cheap as they offer to new customers … and that is not fair! 😡

You spend all of that money for 2+ years to finally discover that there’s no loyalty for staying with them!

This is why most people keep their mobile number and switch networks … this allows them to take advantage of the cheapest ‘new customer’ deals every time.

If only one network works in your area then you’ll still save by comparing upgrade prices, however if you can switch then you can enjoy savings of £500+

Not sure how to ‘port’ your number? – Ofcom have made it easy, read more Here

So, what are you waiting for?

Start comparing and saving.

Buy Savvy … Compare, Save and Upgrade Today!


How we operate:

Our website uses the data provided by our retail partners along with our price comparison calculator to show the cheapest price for individual phone deals.

We are usually paid a commission by the retail partner for sales that lead to a new connection or upgrade on a mobile network and those of pay as you go and SIM free handsets.


We also receive a smaller commission for sales of SIM Only deals including 1 month rolling contracts as well as 6, 12, 18 and 24 month agreements.



© 2025 Phones LTD

Our price comparison service is free to use, we fund our service by being compensated by our retail partners for successful purchases. Data for our comparison service is supplied by our retail partners and updated regularly, please always check the deal information on the retailers website before placing your order.

The UK networks can adjust your monthly payments once per year equal to or above the Retail Price Index (RPI)/Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rates published by the Office for National Statistics. Please check T&Cs of your chosen network operator before purchase.

Every 1st April, Vodafone monthly prices increase by: £1.80 for SIM Only & Phone plans and £1 for SIM Only Basics plans. Out of bundle charges increase by Consumer Price Index rate of inflation + 3.9%. is operated by VTO3 LTD as a price comparison service. Registered Office: 203 Henley Rd, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 6RL, Registered in England No. 05528173